Our Executive TEAM

OUR Executive SES TEAM

Andrew Fletcher


Andrew is admired by his colleagues as an inspirational technology leader and influential agent for positive change. For many years, Andrew recognized the absolute importance of energy transformation for modern societies to achieve sustainable growth. His leadership ability and industry success in robotics, often focused on manufacturing EV vehicles, are aligned with his goal of providing technologies to drive energy independence and economic development.

With more than 20 years of successful industry experience, Andrew has a wealth of knowledge that is energy focused.His work career started in industrial automation and includes automotive, aerospace, mining and solar. He has been involved in many large-scale automation projects $20M+ in the capacity of; Electrical Design, Software design, Commissioning, Process Improvements, Project Management and has received AVS certification from the Value Engineering Society. In his CEO role Andrew oversees project requirements, strategic opportunities, complex private and government agreements, as well as key strategic alliances.

David Fletcher


David’s international success and extensive experience with programming, robotics, and efficient manufacturing technologies are aligned with his passion for energy transformation and green energy applications at an international level. Based on several successful engineering and automation projects in North America, Central America, and most recently in the Caribbean, David understands the necessity and criticality of sustainable energy to help drive economic growth, energy independence, and development of a lasting energy foundation for companies, industries and countries.

With more than 20 years in the industrial automation field, David has practical experience with the implementation of Automation Solutions. His specialist skills include: Electrical design, industrial software design, business process automation and Project Management. David is responsible for project feasibility, electrical design approvals, and financial aspects for the company.

Chris Crane


Chris is passionate about all that can be achieved with sustainable energy on land and on the water at an international level. He is responsible for project evaluation and implementation of several sustainable energy projects for key industries and governmental projects. Chris’ training and experience in industrial design, project management, and visionary technologies, all come into play in his role as General Manager at SES. As a natural leader with strong values, Chris works closely with his team and technology alliance partners on key aspects of each project. Customer success and a smooth project execution are of high priority.

Whatever the transformational technology, game changing design or visionary approach, Chris finds a solution that is aligned with the client objectives. As a Master’s trained Industrial Designer, Chris has developed projects that span innovative technology in the marine industry to green hydrogen energy implementation, and now a mix that includes implementation of super capacitor Battery Storage. One of his most recent accomplishments is the prototype design of a storied solar yacht to introduce green hydrogen generation on the water to the marine industry.

Chris’ responsibilities include:Team Development, Managing Technology and Manufacturing Alliance Partners, Business Forecasting, Strategic Relationships, Project Management/Financing and Local Content Policies.

Michael David BordE

Energy Specialist -Technology and Business Development

As a geophysicist, Michael fully understands the importance and absolute value of energy from several standpoints. With his involvement in energy focused projects at a global level over the last 30 years, Michael firmly believes that “Green Energy” is the answer and economic catalyst to drive reliable, sustainable, and developmental growth for all stakeholders. He is convinced that this transformation is achievable with renewable and cost-effective energy. His belief is that the “new energy” thrust is a Global Game Changer that will transform and advance societies no matter what type or standing of their economy. His experience includes conventional and alternative energy services with Fortune 200 and start up technology companies.

Michael's “Go to Market” strategy and business development goals are driven by years of business experience, industry knowledge, mitigating risks, and leveraging global alliances. Projects include: B2B and governmental transactions involving energy, innovative/transformational technologies, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Neural Networks and critical Data/Information related services. Michael’s business philosophy is based on teamwork, customer success, strategic alliances, effective communication, and strong leadership.

Business Hubs: Tampa FL, Houston TX, and Caribbean.